
Licensing Documents

Documents from licensing about Family Preschool and Childcare programs included are:

Caregiver background Check Process(LIC995E).pdf
Family Child Care Consumer Awareness Information(LIC9212).pdf
Notification of Parent's Rights Poster (PUB394).pdf
Lead Poisonin Home checklist.pdf
California Car Seat Law Poster.pdf


Sunnyside  Adventures Preschool is using the Brightwheel communication app in order to streamline communications with families. Once families have been enrolled at Sunnyside Adventures Preschool. They will be given access to the school's account. There we will be able to communicate using the app in various ways. Brightwheel allows for messaging, photos, videos, billing, auto pay with credit or bank cards and more. We are excited to be able to offer this feature as part of our program at Sunnyside Adventures Preschool.